Bright Young Things

In the 1960s in Poland, as in other areas of the world, the cult of youth rose up and fashion became a reflection of its allure.

Clothing became more comfortable, lighter and shorter – its style and cut decidedly different from what was worn by earlier generations. The miniskirt made its debut, along with shorts, tunics and booties. The fascination with space exploration and science fiction also carried over into fashion, with futuristic styles that were out of this world.

Young people looked to rock stars of the age and emulated their style, inspired by the groovy glamour of The Beatles, Czesław Niemen and Maryla Rodowicz. The art world was another inspiration, in large measure thanks to Yves Saint Laurent and his iconic Mondrian dress. The Polish version of the dress was an interpretation of Henryk Berlewi paintings and made by the Moda Polska brand.

There were more and more fashion designers coming into their own in Poland – and many of them were younger than ever. The model Grażyna Hase and journalist Barbara Hoff were among those making their forays into the world of fashion. The Polish fashion brand Moda Polska opened its doors to new graduates of the country’s art academies. Young designers such as Jerzy Antkowiak, Kalina Paroll and, Magdalena Ignar breathed new life into its designs.